By JeLisa Smallwood a Barcelona SAE summer intern

This week was definitely filled with memories. I met back up with most of the people I met at orientation and we all went out because most of them were leaving this weekend (July 12). It was great to just see everyone and catch-up and see how everyone’s time in Barcelona was. One place I visited with a friend was Hotel Raval. There’s a 360-degree view of the city and it is absolutely gorgeous.

On top of Hotel Raval

If you’re a big fan of Mexican Food, boy do I have the perfect place for you. It’s called Andele – a restaurant I found on one my many excursions around the city. There are 4 locations across the city. I went with a group of friends for their “Last Supper” here in Barcelona. It’s located inside Las Arenas Mall (which I had never been in) and the food is so good! Don’t worry they have an English menu so you’ll be able to know what’s in everything before you order it. So if you’re just craving Mexican food or if it’s your favorite then Andele is the place for you.

JeLisa Smallwood

JeLisa Smallwood

JeLisa is a Business Administration major from Berea College, and interned abroad during Summer 2013.



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