Lindsey Cox
Human Development & Family Studies
Colorado State University
Studied Abroad at UB
Lindsey is a Human Development major from Colorado State University, and studied abroad at the UB in Spring 2012.
What are you up to these days? Have you graduated? Are you working? How did your experience in Barcelona have an impact on your life?
I graduated and now work for a leave of absence advisor/vendor. Thanks to my promotion I am moving to the bay area!
If you were to sum up your Barcelona experience in one to two words, what would you say? My Barcelona Experience is…
Life changing.
Explain why you chose those words.
I discovered myself and explored a beautiful part of the world. That is something I will always cherish and will never forget. Study abroad changed my life and changed me as a person.
What was your favorite place to eat in Barcelona? Favorite food?
My host mom’s kitchen. I was fortunate enough to live with an amazing host mom who was also an amazing cook.
What was your favorite tour, day trip, or cultural activity? Why?
My favorite day trip was Toledo. It was amazing to see how different certain areas of Spain are.
Is there a site in Barcelona that you would recommend to future students that may be a little more “off the beaten path”?
There is a hiking trail that leads up to an old castle that overlooks the ocean. Try to get lost a little bit like I did when I stumbled upon an amazing garden. The trail is next to the museum across the street from the mall which used to be an old bull fighting ring.
If you had one perfect day in Barcelona where would you go, and what would you do?
I would take a bus and get off on a street I didn’t know. I would watch street performers, shop in a boutique, and eat something I’ve never heard of before.
What was something you were surprised to learn about Barcelona or Spain? Or what aspect of the country or city were you least expecting?
I was surprised by how much the city has to offer. There is so much to do and see. I got to know the city like the back of my hand.
What is one piece of advice that you have for future students coming to Barcelona?
Don’t spend the majority of your time and money at the bars and clubs. Explore the city, there is so much to do there for free. Bars and clubs will be waiting for you when you get home. The beauty of Barcelona will not, don’t miss out on everything the city has to offer you.
Why was Barcelona SAE the right program for you?
Barcelona SAE will help you feel so at home while in a foreign country, because they truly care about you having a good experience. Their personal touch is what sets them apart from everyone else.