Cara Miller
Illinois Wesleyan University
Customized Program Participant
Cara is a Nursing major from Illinois Wesleyan University, and studied abroad through a Customized Program during Spring 2015.
What are you up to these days? Have you graduated? Are you working? How did your experience in Barcelona have an impact on your life?
I am currently finishing up a class at IWU and hopefully will be getting a job in the admissions office on campus. My time in Barcelona has made me a more diligent worker and I am able to handle stressful, busy situations.
If you were to sum up your Barcelona experience in one to two words, what would you say? My Barcelona Experience is…
Explain why you chose those words.
I know it sounds cliche, but especially since I have been home for a week, my trip to Barcelona seems like it was a dream. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like I went and had the incredible experience I had. I’ve had time to process all I saw and it is as if it didn’t happen. But, it did!
What was your favorite tour, day trip, or cultural activity? Why?
My favorite day trip was Zaragoza. It was such an interesting, beautiful place. I liked the group I was with and learning about the history of the city, especially the Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar. We were only there for a day, but I wanted to stay for so much longer.
What was something you were surprised to learn about Barcelona or Spain? Or what aspect of the country or city were you least expecting?
I think the history of Barcelona and Spain in general surprised me. I had a class that was about the Spanish Civil War and I couldn’t believe that I had never even heard of it before. The war and how it impacted the city, as well as the aftermath was truly stunning. My interest in Barcelona piqued after learning about it. Also the Catalonia Independence movement was another aspect of Barcelona that I found interesting.
What is one piece of advice that you have for future students coming to Barcelona?
I would tell future students to go with an open mind and be wanting to be outside of your comfort zone. You are in a new place, with people you may or may not know and the lifestyle is completely different from what you are used to. If you go in welcoming what’s to come, your experience will be one you didn’t expect!