Rebecca Land
Missouri State University
Studied Abroad at UPF
Rebecca is a Marketing major from Missouri State University, and studied abroad at the UPF during Fall 2019.
What are you up to these days? Have you graduated? Are you working? How did your experience in Barcelona have an impact on your life?
I loved exploring a new city and meeting new people. I learned so much about how other cultures are similar and different from mine by talking to others and observing those around me.
If you were to sum up your Barcelona experience in one to two words, what would you say? My Barcelona Experience is…
Endlessly Exciting
Explain why you chose those words.
Coming to a new country where you don’t know anyone and don’t know the language opens up so many opportunities to learn and experience new things. The possibilities are endlessly exciting.
What was your favorite place to eat in Barcelona? Favorite food?
My go-to spot in Barcelona was Alsur Cafe. I loved the mac & cheese croquettes.
What was your favorite tour, day trip, or cultural activity? Why?
My favorite activity was the hike at Tibidabo and the Welcome Lunch. It was so fun to get to see the city from that viewpoint, and it helped me to orient myself in my new city. The Welcome Lunch was one of my first full Spanish meals and one of the most memorable.
What was your housing experience like? Did you live in an apartment with other students? A homestay with a local family? A residence hall on your Barcelona campus?
I lived in a homestay with a host mom, dad, and a roommate. I liked having someone there that I could ask questions to and learn about the local culture from them.
If you had one perfect day in Barcelona where would you go, and what would you do?
I would find a cute cafe to spend a few hours with a coffee and a croissant, and then make my way to the beach. I’d walk along the beach and maybe find a spot to write and watch the waves.
What is one piece of advice that you have for future students coming to Barcelona?
The beginning can be scary, lonely, and exciting all at once– and that’s okay. I was definitely pushed outside of my comfort zone more than I ever was before. But it taught me so much about myself. It gets better once you become more familiar with the city, and you’ll be so proud of yourself for pushing through.
Why was Barcelona SAE the right program for you?
The program had a lot of resources before, during, and after my study abroad experience. They have staff in the U.S. that help you pre-departure, and then all of the onsite staff for when you’re in Barcelona. You’re assigned a mentor while you’re in Barcelona which is great to have one person that you know you can always talk to. They gave us resources about re-acclimating to life back home and tips on how to talk about our study abroad experience in job interviews.